tangelo.linq.qpu_connection package


tangelo.linq.qpu_connection.braket_connection module

Wrappers around Braket python’s API, to manage quantum experiments run with Braket from Tangelo. Braket is available at https://github.com/aws/amazon-braket-sdk-python

class tangelo.linq.qpu_connection.braket_connection.BraketConnection(s3_bucket=None, folder=None)

Bases: QpuConnection

Wrapper around Amazon Braket API to facilitate quantum job management from Tangelo

static get_backend_info()

Wrapper method to cut down the information returned by AWS SDK and provide a consistent interface for our code.


Dictionary containing device information in the format

arn: {

provider: <provider>, price: <price>, unit: <unit>,




Attempt to cancel an existing job. May fail depending on job status (e.g too late)


job_id (str) – string representing the job id


bool – whether the job was successfully cancelled.


Blocking call requesting job results.


job_id (str) – string representing the job id


dict – histogram of measurements


Return job information corresponding to the input job id


job_id (str) – string representing the job id


enum | str – status response from the native API

job_submit(backend_arn, n_shots, circuits)

Submit job as batch, return job id(s).

  • backend_arn (str) – arn for braket backend

  • n_shots (int) – Number of shots to use on the target backend

  • circuits (Circuit | List[Circuit]) – Tangelo circuit(s)


str | List[str] – Job id(s)

class tangelo.linq.qpu_connection.braket_connection.SupportedBraketProviders(value)

Bases: str, Enum

List of the providers currently supported. Needs to be occasionally updated in the future as new providers arise.

AMAZON = 'Amazon Braket'
IONQ = 'IonQ'
OXFORD = 'Oxford'
RIGETTI = 'Rigetti'

Function to get the available gate-based devices on Braket. Note: OFFLINE and RETIRED devices are filtered out. :Returns: list of braket.aws.AwsDevice – Available gate-based Braket devices.

tangelo.linq.qpu_connection.ibm_connection module

Wrappers around Qiskit runtime API, to manage quantum experiments run with IBM Cloud or IBM quantum from Tangelo.

class tangelo.linq.qpu_connection.ibm_connection.IBMConnection(ibm_quantum_token=None)

Bases: QpuConnection

Wrapper around IBM Qiskit runtime API to facilitate job submission from Tangelo


Return configuration information for each device found on the service


Attempt to cancel an existing job. May fail depending on job status (e.g too late)


job_id (str) – string representing the job id


bool – whether the job was successfully cancelled.


Blocking call requesting job results.


job_id (str) – string representing the job id


dict – histogram of measurements


Return information about the job corresponding to the input job ID


job_id (str) – string representing the job id


enum value – status response from the native API

job_submit(program, backend_name, n_shots, circuits, operators=None, runtime_options=None, instance=None)

Submit job, return job ID.

  • program (str) – name of available qiskit-runtime program (e.g sampler, estimator currently)

  • backend_name (str) – name of a qiskit backend

  • n_shots (int) – Number of shots to use on the target backend

  • circuits (Circuit | List[Circuit]) – Tangelo circuit(s)

  • operators (QubitOperator | List[QubitOperator]) – Optional, qubit operators for computing expectation values

  • runtime_options (dict) – Optional, extra keyword arguments for options supported in qiskit-runtime.

  • instance (str) – Optional, desired IBM service instance in the “hub/group/project” format. Default is likely to send to “ibm-q/open/main”


str – string representing the job id

tangelo.linq.qpu_connection.ionq_connection module

Python wrappers around IonQ REST API, to facilitate job submission, result retrieval and post-processing Using IonQ services requires an API key. Users are expected to set the environment variable IONQ_APIKEY with the value of this token. IonQ documentation for the API: https://docs.ionq.co IonQ cloud dashboard: https://cloud.ionq.com/

class tangelo.linq.qpu_connection.ionq_connection.IonQConnection(verbose=False)

Bases: QpuConnection

Wrapper about the IonQ REST API, to facilitate job submission and automated post-processing of results


Retrieve all the information available about the backends

get_characterization(backend_name=None, charac_url=None)

Retrieve characterization of a target device, either using the IonQ backend string, or an already-retrieved characterization url. The result contains information about number of qubits, fidelity of gates, t1, t2 and other specs, connectivity…

  • backend_name (str) – string identifier for the IonQ backend

  • charac_url (str) – characterization url previously retrieved from IonQ API


dict – a dictionary containing various information about the device

property header

Produce the header for REST requests


Cancel / delete a job from IonQ servers.


job_id (str) – string representing the job id


dict – status response from the REST API


Returns information about the job corresponding to the input job id


job_id (str) – alphanumeric character string representing the job id


dict – status response from the REST API

job_results(job_id, wait_time=60)

Blocking call querying the REST API at a given frequency, until job results are available.

  • job_id (str) – string representing the job id

  • wait_time (int) – Number of seconds between consecutive queries to the IonQ API. If the verbosity is set to True, the status is printed if it changed since the last query.


dict – Histogram of measurements


Returns information about the job corresponding to the input job id


job_id (str) – string representing the job id


dict – status response from the REST API

job_submit(target_backend, abs_circuit, n_shots, job_name, **job_specs)

Submit job, return job ID.

  • target_backend (str) – name of target device. See IonQ documentation for possible values. Current acceptable values are ‘simulator’ and ‘qpu’

  • abs_circuit (Circuit) – Circuit in Tangelo format

  • n_shots (int) – number of shots (ignored if target_backend is set to simulator

  • job_name (str) – name to make the job more identifiable

  • **job_specs – extra arguments such as lang in the code below; metadata is not currently supported.


str – string representing the job id

tangelo.linq.qpu_connection.qemist_cloud_connection module

Python wrappers facilitating quantum experiment submission, monitoring and post-processing, through QEMIST Cloud.

Users are expected to set the environment variables QEMIST_AUTH_TOKEN and QEMIST_PROJECT_ID with values retrieved from their QEMIST Cloud dashboard.

class tangelo.linq.qpu_connection.qemist_cloud_connection.QEMISTCloudConnection

Bases: QpuConnection

Wrapper about the QEMIST Cloud connection to QPUs.


Cancels the job matching the input job id, if done in time before it starts.


qemist_cloud_job_id (int) – problem handle / job identifier.


dict – cancelled problems / subproblems.

job_estimate(circuit, n_shots, backend=None)

Returns an estimate of the cost of running an experiment, for a specified backend or all backends available. Some service providers care about the complexity / structure of the input quantum circuit, some do not.

The backend identifier strings that a user can provide as argument can be obtained by calling this function without specifying a backend. They appear as keys in the returned dictionary. These strings may change with time, as we adjust to the growing cloud quantum offer (services and devices).

  • circuit (Circuit) – the abstract circuit to be run on the target device.

  • n_shots (int) – number of shots in the expriment.

  • backend (str) – the identifier string for the desired backend.

  • dict – Returns dict of prices in USD. If backend is not None, dictionary

  • contains the cost for running the desired job. If backend is None,

  • returns dictionary of prices for all supported backends.


Blocks until the job results are available. Returns a tuple containing the histogram of frequencies, and also the more in-depth raw data from the cloud services provider as a nested dictionary


qemist_cloud_job_id (int) – problem handle / job identifier.

  • dict – Histogram of measurement frequencies.

  • dict – The cloud provider raw data.


Returns the current status of the problem, as a string. Possible values: ready, in_progress, complete, cancelled.


qemist_cloud_job_id (int) – problem handle / job identifier.


str – current status of the problem, as a string.

job_submit(circuit, n_shots, backend)

Job submission to run a circuit on quantum hardware.

  • circuit – a quantum circuit in the abstract format.

  • n_shots (int) – the number of shots.

  • backend (str) – the identifier string for the desired backend.


int – A problem handle / job ID that can be used to retrieve the result or cancel the problem.

tangelo.linq.qpu_connection.qpu_connection module

Abstract parent class encapsulating basic features of compute services for quantum circuit simulation

class tangelo.linq.qpu_connection.qpu_connection.QpuConnection

Bases: ABC

Abstract class encapsulating login/authentication setup and job submission and management

abstract job_cancel(job_id)

Attempt to cancel a previously submitted job, through its job id

abstract job_results(job_id)

Retrieve the results of previously submitted job, through its job id

abstract job_status(job_id)

Retrieve information about a previously submitted job, through its job id

abstract job_submit()

Submit a job to the compute services

Module contents